Willis Allstead

Hey, I’m Willis. I like coding and creating stuff. Check out my Personal GitHub to see some of my work or check out my Work GitHub to see that I have, in fact, been busy.

Willis Allstead (me)

I've been working as a Web Developer at Noble Studios in Reno, NV since May of 2018. I get to work on some really cool websites. I graduated in May of 2019 with a bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno.

My passion is creating things that people use and love. I'm currently working on an accessibility testing service called Siteally. (See my most recent project below).

Languages I use and love

JavaScript, Python, PHP, CSS (SCSS really), Swift, Ruby, HTML (you decide if it counts)

Frameworks/CMSs I'm familiar with

Next.js (React), Django (Python), React (JS), Express (JS), Vue (JS), Vapor (Swift), WordPress (PHP), Ruby on Rails

DBs I have the most experience in

PostgreSQL, MySQL

Outside of Work

If I’m not coding, I’m probably spending time with friends, listening to music, snowboarding, hiking, camping, backpacking, or planning one of those things!

I also enjoy going out for coffee or tea, and if I'm home there's a good chance I'm listening to a podcast.

Want to get into contact with me? Shoot me a message.